Our Story

Welcome to Matriarch, the premier online destination for women seeking natural solutions to hormonal balance.

Our mission is to support and nurture women as they journey through the various stages of life, from puberty to perimenopause and beyond. We strive to educate and empower, making the complexities of female hormonal health understandable for all.

Our journey began with a vision: to promote women's reproductive health through uniquely formulated, bioidentical creams that help to restore equilibrium and enhance wellness.

Matriarch is the brainchild of our Scandinavian founders, who were inspired by their homeland's philosophy of strong female leadership, healthy living, and a deep connection with nature.

Our founding philosophy is rooted in the belief that life is about change, growth, and empowerment. Every woman's journey through life is unique, but what connects us are the natural transitions we all inevitably must go through.

We do not subscribe to the notions of “de-aging” or “turning back the ageing process”. Instead, we embrace each reproductive stage in a woman’s life and all the transitions it brings. At Matriarch, we celebrate these natural progressions and the beautiful complexity of the female biology.

Our values reflect a commitment to women's well-being and the idea that if the matriarch feels well, the family as a unit feels well.

We believe that a well-balanced reproductive cycle forms the foundation of a healthy, joyful, and fulfilling life. Thus, we've dedicated ourselves to providing all-natural, scientifically backed solutions that respect the intricate workings of the female body.

Our product range is a testament to this mission. Matriarch's creams are designed to cater to these diverse needs, offering a natural, effective alternative for women navigating various stages of life. Each product is formulated with bioidentical hormones, identical in molecular structure to the hormones your body naturally produces, ensuring a seamless integration with your body's unique rhythm.

Matriarch embodies strength, resilience, and natural beauty. Welcome to Matriarch, where Scandinavian vision meets American innovation to help you thrive.

Made in USA

Our American manufacturing facilities strictly adhere to the highest standards of safety and quality, resulting in products that you can trust. We source ingredients responsibly, ensuring their purity, potency, and alignment with our commitment to sustainability.